Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2572: Growing the Beard     >

Episode 2572: Growing the Beard


This was another idea we had about the true identity of Luke on Crait. It follows from the idea proposed by Poe in strip #2334. Obviously we went a different direction in our actual story, but this was too much fun to leave unshown.

This concludes the intermission. Episode IX begins with the next strip!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Haha, now this would have really messed with my head had it not been an intermission strip! I'm completely unsurprised that Alt Universe Poe wants to put on a false beard as well. That's just the sort of planning I'd expect from him. Sally jumping onboard less so. .... AU Sally must be planning to betray everyone! They'd better watch out!

It is interesting to see that the non-main characters are presumably looking at Luke. That'd mean that everyone could likely see him. Which unfortunately makes the idea I had of only Kylo seeing Luke on the First Order side and going crazy because of that much less reasonable. No way would everyone in the Resistance be Force Sensitive, you know?


Saile Minnau: Who’s that heading out to face the First Order? Is that Luke Amidala?
Koo Millhan: I hear he’s Rey’s father. I wish we had a father like that.
Salaka Kuchimba: Dude’s a legend.
Leia {disguised as Luke}: Actually, don’t let on to the First Order, but it’s me, General Leia Organa.
Salaka Kuchimba: Wait, what?
Leia {disguised as Luke}: I’m wearing a false beard. To trick them into thinking I died during Kylo’s attack on our fleet.
Poe: Awesome! Let me get a beard and go out to face them too!
C-3PO: Me too!
Leia {disguised as Luke}: I’m not sure a false beard would work on you, 3PO.
C-3PO: Well it’ll certainly work better than if everyone was a shapeshifter!
{Leia, disguised as Luke, strides out of the sundered blast doors to confront the First Order single-handed}
Kaydel Ko Connix: If Leia’s playing Luke, surely she could play my mother?
Poe: I mean, she’s playing everyone’s Jedi dad right now.
Kaydel Ko Connix: I could’ve had the coolest parents in the Galaxy...
Leia {disguised as Luke}: Honestly, I look better in this beard than Luke ever did.

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Published: Sunday, 19 January, 2025; 01:11:05 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net