Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2571: Affluenza

Episode 2571: Affluenza


This intermission strip develops another unused idea we had, about the contrast between the high society casino and the seamy and dirty underbelly on Canto Bight being a deliberate metaphor.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

There's a certain level of wealth where people stop caring about what other people think and just do what they want. And sometimes, that includes having any sense of decency. The stench and waste as a hamfisted metaphor for that level of wealth fits fairly well too. And think of all the gross words surrounding money. Ill-gotten gains, stinking rich, filthy lucre, disgustingly wealthy...

With all that in mind, I'm surprised nobody, especially Alt Universe GM, could come up with a decent Otyugh related pun of some kind. This place must be too stomach twisting for that kind of reference.


GM: Meanwhile, Finn and Rose have climbed out of the Canto Bight sewer. The stench of a stable assaults your nostrils.
Rose: Why do they even have sewers here?
GM: What do you mean? Rich people need to—
Rose: Given the tech they could treat waste locally, rather than have messy piping infrastructure.
Finn: It’s a metaphor. The glitzy lifestyle of the wealthy is built on a rotten foundation.
GM: Yeah. That’s exactly what I was going for.
Rose: The affluent based on the effluent. Nice.
GM: Two young street urchin stablehands regard you with curious eyes.
Rose: They have child slave labour here too? Can’t rich people afford droids?
GM: It’s part of the rotten foundation.
Finn: Also droids are a dime a dozen in this Galaxy. Having filthy downtrodden slaves, now that’s a status symbol.
Rose: What else does the aristocracy get up to here?
GM: They love a good plague of typhoid or cholera.

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Published: Thursday, 16 January, 2025; 01:11:02 PST.
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