Want to spice up an adventure campaign? Have something blatantly impossible happen. Don't worry that it's impossible, just say it happens. When the players complain that it's impossible, just say, "Nevertheless, it happens".
Then watch them come up with multiple outlandish reasons how it could potentially have happened.
Pick your favourite one of those outlandish reasons, and run with it.
Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)
Okay, that answers my earlier question then. It was either a lightsaber that looked similar but actually wasn't the same or it was a Force Copy, and I'm not sure the second would hold up to scrutiny if I got better close-up images. That said, if it was also a part of a Force Illusion, that would explain why Luke didn't actually do anything with it like blocking that'd have required touching.
Keeping the lightsaber halves is a little odd, but maybe this way we can have a reforging scene in the next movie. The sequels obviously have put some kind of importance on it since it managed to get brought back from the depths of Bespin. Breaking it but still hanging onto the pieces would just be a way of having some more mystery for the next movie. Assuming the writers don't simply have it fixed between then and now.
Anyway, as this is obviously the closing scene just before we get the iris out, I do like that it's better laid out than Episode VII's. That was just a super weird scene. All that setup to find the map and the need to get to where it points, then actually getting to follow it and find Luke, and then... just staring at him holding out a lightsaber? Compare that to all of the other last scenes with main characters before now that had some kind of closure. There has to be some dialogue that makes the Episode VII scene work.
Hey wait a minute. We never got an answer for Threepio's suddenly golden arm, did we? I guess compared to the other things mentioned though, like actual physical paper that's still up to date, it is a minor sort of weird.
GM: Leia notices Rey holding the broken pieces of a laser sword in her hands.
Leia: Luke’s sword. How did you get that?
Rey: Huh? I’ve always had it with me. Since Takodana.
Leia: But Luke used that sword just a few minutes ago.
Rey: He did?
Leia: He followed you to Crait and delayed Kylo Ren so we could escape. He had his old blue sword. This one.
Rey: That’s impossible. It must have been a copy. Kylo and I ripped this one apart before I came to Crait.
Nien Nunb: {in background, to Finn} Did I ever tell you about me and Mon Mothma?
Leia: Something weird is going on here.
R2-D2: With Nute behind the Galactic maps and Rey’s mother, that’s three weird things...
BB-8: And how is that Jedi List up-to-date?
Poe: I need a new roleplaying challenge!
C-3PO: I might be the least weird thing here. If so, we’re in real trouble!