Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2569: Gutter Hero     >

Episode 2569: Gutter Hero


So we conclude Episode VIII! Only one more movie to go, folks!

At least as long as they don't announce another whole trilogy some time in the next couple of years. Don't laugh - it happened to us once already.

We will have the usual three intermission strips over the next week, and then join us on 21 January for the beginning of Episode IX.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

..... Or we can have one last scene that's unrelated. Dang it, I thought we were going to finish out strong this time. I think I still don't get why we had the stable urchin adventure side quest, and ending like this doesn't help matters. The focus on the "joy buzzer" doesn't help either; what's a kid going to do with that on their own? Even Anakin wasn't going to do anything without Qui-Gon showing up and getting him off Tatooine. However. Any bets that this kid shows up in the next movie somehow and Jim manages to hijack the plot with them anyway?

All in all, I think I enjoyed seeing the Episode VII panels more than I did Episode VIII panels. Perhaps that's because it was a brand new experience, both in writing these perspective blurbs and in seeing Star Wars media that matched the special effects memories I have of the Original and Prequel trilogies (that Star Destroyer wreck zoom out still looks like it'd be amazing). But maybe that's also because the story was obviously a little simpler and I could guess at the shape of the plot and be more confident that I was probably right.

The plot I can read all makes sense for a tabletop game, don't get me wrong. With the way the GM's set things up, the players were bound to take a handful of outside-the-box moves to overcome the challenges. And with Jim's character established as someone who thinks outside of the room the box is in all the way back in Episode III, he very nicely covers a lot of the odd twists of the plot. It's just that Episode VIII looked like it was "Run away, run away to the casino planet (who's name I'd have to look up again), and then run back to run away some more" all while The Resistance is constantly getting blown to smaller pieces. Perfectly sensible for a small player group; not as much for an interplanetary group trying to escape an active attack.


GM: I just have one more scene to close this adventure.
GM: On Canto Bight, the three stable urchins have had to find other servitude since Finn and Rose destroyed the racing industry...
GM: Pete, Jim, Sally, if you’d like to reprise your roles, please read this script:
Oniho Zaya: Yeah. I got a blender. What did you get?
Temiri Blagg: A broom, guv’na. Gonna clean up the place, I will!
GM: It just says “A broom”...
Temiri Blagg: I’m actin’, I am!
Arashell Sar: I got a set of pink plastic flamingoes.
Oniho Zaya: Shipped from The First Order. What do you think it means?
Arashell Sar: It means someone out there is looking out for us and will bring justice to Canto Bight.
Bargwill Tomder: Oy! What are you miscreants doing! Get back to slave labour!
Temiri Blagg: I ’ead outside and use me latent power to Force Pull me broom.
[SFX]: pull...
[SFX]: grab {Temeri uses the Force to pull the broom to his hand}
Temiri Blagg: One day, gonna leave this rock and become a real ’ero.
Temiri Blagg: A Resistance joy buzzer and a broom. I got everythin’ I need, I do.
{Temeri stands, holding his broom and staring out into the night sky, wondering what sort of adventures await in the vastness of the Galaxy}
GM: Whatever happens in the next adventure, this is not your roleplaying challenge.

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Published: Sunday, 12 January, 2025; 01:11:02 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net