Darths & Droids


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Episode 2549: Lay Off of My Blue Blade News


The student turned to evil meets the wise old former mentor... Where have we seen that before?

It's a trope, so of course you should use it in your games. But vary it up. Imagine a young wizard starts a life of adventuring, spends some time with a band of fellows defeating orcs and collecting treasure, and then hears about a threat to a major city. The heroes show up and it turns out that the threat is the wizard's former mentor, who has turned to evil!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Iiiinteresting. All of the AT-AT fire didn't mess Luke up, but the shuttle landing or Kylo moving towards him did something to his hair. I wonder what that means. Also interesting is the difference in their fighting stances. Luke has both hands on the lightsaber, while Kylo has just the one. Perhaps we'll see Kylo try some Force powers while fighting while Luke focuses mainly on the laser sword fighting.

Huh. While that's pretty neat, that's also a really fast remaking if true. I really shouldn't be that surprised though; it could simply be a comic exclusive detail. Luke's lightsaber does have a reddish reflection on it that makes it hard for me to tell if it is the same or it's just the top side bit that matches.


Kylo Ren: You pulled a sword on me once. Let’s see if you have the guts to use it this time.
Luke: The Jedi way isn’t about guts.
Luke: Well... Except for Yoda’s stew. That stuff did make me puke my guts out.
Luke: Anyway, it’s about control. Something you never learnt.
Kylo Ren: I ignite my laser sword and assume battle stance.
[SFX]: whmmm...
Luke: I calmly turn on my sword.
[SFX]: whmmm...
GM: Sally, what’s Kylo’s Perception?
Kylo Ren: What? 18. Why?
GM: <roll> At the Academy Luke had a green sword. This one is blue.
Kylo Ren: That must be important. I focus on it. Do I recognise it?
GM: It’s the one Rey has been using.
Kylo Ren: That sword. Rey had that sword.
Luke: She gave it back to me.
[SFX]: whmmm...
[SFX]: whmmm...
Kylo Ren: That blade was broken!
Luke: It has been remade.
[SFX]: whmmm...
[SFX]: whmmm...
Luke: Unlike you, Kylo, some things are worth putting back together.
Kylo Ren: Yeah? Like your Jedi Academy? Oh... wait...

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Published: Tuesday, 26 November, 2024; 01:55:51 PST.
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