Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2548: Perry, A., the Quarter That Poe’s Quit     >

Episode 2548: Perry, A., the Quarter That Poe’s Quit


Medical diagnosis is a complicated thing. Characters in games lead exciting and dangerous lives. At some point these things are going to come into competition. Someone will get injured or catch some sort of disease, and it won't be obvious what, if anything, can be done about it.

Enter the NPC medical specialist! Oh, the fun you can have with these people.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Wow, Finn managed to get Rose back in around all of that AT-AT fire? Impressive. Though I suppose this could be a sign of a small time-skip, it's also just as likely to be not a concern for the writers. It's a minor detail of how Finn manages to get back into base after all.

Quadruplet Poe would be a scary thought. Though it seems like Jim has also gotten over the idea that his characters are the only ones allowed to die. I wonder what exactly he thinks the point of Luke dying here would accomplish. Because if Luke does die and Kylo doesn't get too badly injured, that's it for the Resistance. The rest of the Resistance inside, especially the PCs, should really be doing something other than just watching.


GM: Meanwhile, Finn drags Rose back into the bunker.
Finn: Medic! I need a medic here!
Resistance Medic: She looks bad. It’s probably lupus.
GM: Kylo’s shuttle lands and the ramp lowers.
Kylo Ren: I strut out to confront Luke.
GM: People in the bunker watch on. {view is shown through macrobinoculars}
Poe: {holding the binoculars down} Luke’s gonna take Kylo one-on-one.
Kaydel Ko Connix: He’s the only thing standing between the First Order and the destruction of the Resistance.
BB-8: Pretty heroic.
Finn: Luke’s gonna die! We have to stop him!
Poe: That’s pretty ironic from someone I just saved from sacrificing himself.
Finn: That’s... not ironic.
Poe: We need to let Luke sacrifice himself. {restrains Finn with an arm from rushing out to help Luke}
Finn: What? Who are you and what have you done with Poe?
Finn: Forget I asked that. I can’t handle a fourth identical twin.

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Published: Sunday, 24 November, 2024; 01:11:20 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net