Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2547: Luke-ing for Trouble     >

Episode 2547: Luke-ing for Trouble


Sometimes there's just a really cool bit of defiance that shows that someone is a true badass and any normal means of stopping them just won't work.

You should use this on your villains, though, not the heroes.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Hah! I knew Luke was gonna be fine! Cleaning off a bit of invisible dust is a good way to downplay the whole thing, though I was expecting a bit more dramatic a showing that he's still alive. Something like Force Pushing the dust away perhaps. The not-messed-up hair is a nice touch as well.

And hey! I think we'll be getting another laser sword fight soon. If we do, that'll be the third one this year! Well, third fight where a laser sword gets pulled out. Guessing at the outcome, I think Kylo might technically win the fight but end up losing an arm or something. Luke can stick around as a Force Ghost, but there needs to be something that delays Kylo and the First Order from immediately storming into the base where the Resistance is gathering for a counter-attack or yet another escape.


[SFX]: Boom! Boom!
General Hux: Yeah, I think that’s enough.
GM: You see a shape stirring amidst the swirling red mineral dust.
Luke: I stride forwards.
Luke: I make a show of brushing an imaginary speck of dust off my immaculately clean robes.
[SFX]: fwip {Luke makes a flicking gesture across his shoulder with his fingers}
Kylo Ren: Get me down there. It’s personal now.
General Hux: So, mano a mano it is—
[SFX]: Force Slam!!! {Kylo uses the Force to throw Hux aside}
Jober Tavson: Right away, sir.
General Hux: {from the floor} <groan> Bold move for someone who looks like an idiot.

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Published: Thursday, 21 November, 2024; 01:51:13 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net