Darths & Droids


<     Backstory 24: Forward Troubles; It’s a Ploy; Lock the Gate Door, Oh Boy!     >

Backstory 24: Forward Troubles; It’s a Ploy; Lock the Gate Door, Oh Boy!

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

I guess the trooper didn’t have too much of an issue with Moloch bringing the hounds in then. Having them shown in the movie feels a bit odd. Only thing I can think of is that it’s a delaying tactic of some kind to make Han’s escape possible. As if the successful bridge run wasn’t odd enough.

Distinctive verbal phrases are good to have for NPCs. It helps keep track of who’s talking, brings a bit of color/life to the character, and makes them more memorable. Not necessarily more memorable for their name, but I’m gonna remember the minion that clarifies their word choices a lot more than the one who hasn’t.


Falthina Sharest: Okaaaay... Go through, “Chi’ra”.
Jim: Meanwhile, Moloch was closing in on us with his hounds...
Moloch: Good work, my hounds!
[SFX]: kssshhht... {the emigration control gate slides open for Chi’ra}
Falthina Sharest: You. Identification.
Qi’ra: Wait... it should be right here...
Qi’ra: I’m with him!
{Qi’ra makes a run for it to get through the gate with Chi’ra}
Syke: Not so fast!
[SFX]: grab!
Jim: Syke and Rebolt grabbed Qi’ra! I was separated from her as the door slammed shut!
[SFX]: kssslam!
Qi’ra: Benito!!
Rebolt: You’re nicked! By which I mean apprehended, not scratched.

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Published: Monday, 25 July, 2022; 22:41:03 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net