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Backstory 25: Doo, Doo, Doo, Lookin’ Back Out My Door

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

And that’s gonna be the last of Qi’ra then. I think this is meant to be a sad moment in the movie, but it’s a little hard to tell here. Han in panel five doesn’t look exceptionally happy, so I’m guessing this is less of a “sucker!” moment and more an “oh crap, they got her!” moment.

I am curious as to why Moloch and the goons don’t insist on having Han sent back through the gate in the movie. Maybe they don’t have any sort of sway over the Empire forces in spite of there being somewhat of an appearance of that.

And yes, I think everyone got that your character likes to back-stab everyone else he can, Jim. So much for only looking out for himself.


Falthina Sharest: Alert! Alert!
Jim: I was through! But Qi’ra was caught. But that’s why I’d brought her along...
Qi’ra: Benito! I thought you loved me! Don’t leave me!
Jim: To provide a distraction. I was actually a ruthless self-centred scoundrel! I never loved her at all.
Chi’ra: See ya! I know for sure that you’ll live a short life of misery and never come to take revenge on me!
{Syke and Rebolt drag Qi’ra away as Chi’ra looks on from behind the safety of the barrier}
Jim: Moloch’s dogs spotted me and ran towards the barrier.
Moloch: You scum. I’ll hunt you down across the Galaxy!
[SFX]: snarl! grarl!
Jim: It might not be obvious, but I’ve set up a clever future conflict here.
Pete: Yeah I think we got that.
Jim: In the game.
Pete: Yes, that too.

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Published: Monday, 25 July, 2022; 22:41:03 PDT.
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