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Backstory 18: Too Sexy for My Speeder

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Jim probably forgot about the factory Pete put together for the group when he took over for the GM back in Episode II. Plenty of sparks and smoke to be found there! And having a warehouse attached to the factory would mean less time moving things around. Also a plus would be the ease of keeping an eye on everything. Guarding one location is easier than two after all.

Well, looks like it’s time to steal another speeder or something. I bet there’s not going to be any ID to steal this time though. Benito needs to end up at Greedo and that’s five letters away! Jumping to Columbo or some other C-name this fast would be a rather unsustainable rate. Hm. That reminds me of the Freddo alias. Any bets we’ll see parole officer Lando later while Benito continues trying to get off planet?


Jim: We drove into a warehouse to try and lose Moloch.
Jim: Dramatic welding sparks were spraying all over the place.
[SFX]: vrooom!
Corey: Why are they welding in a warehouse?
Jim: They stored welding supplies.
Jim: There was a narrow passage between a bunch of pipes and ventilation units and stuff.
Qi’ra: Benito! It’s too narrow! You’d need to perform an incredibly sexy driving stunt to get through!
Benito: Watch this!
[SFX]: Shift!
[SFX]: Pedal!
[SFX]: Vrooom!
[SFX]: scrape... scrape...
Jim: The speeder ground to a stop.
Benito: Whoops.
Benito: Too sexy.

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:18 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net