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Backstory 17: Wallet to Wheel Car Putting

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Aaaaaaand just like last time, another GM character gets clobbered by the Jim-run story. At least the real Benito didn’t get run over like the poor droid just a few comics ago. I wonder what plan Benito had to get the speeder to stop. Just shooting the driver? Seems likely enough for a planet probably half run by gangs.

Weirdly enough, it does look like something is flying in the air besides o.g. Benito. I really doubt it’s a wallet though, so what could it be? Loose blaster perhaps? Just a lucky frame clip of debris from the crash?


Qi’ra: He’s right behind us! What’s your plan?
Patrol Trooper: Looky! Pull over!
[SFX]: zzzip!!
Alberto: Watch!
Jim: I bumped the trooper into a dumpster.
[SFX]: zzzip!!
[SFX]: bump
[SFX]: vrooom!
[SFX]: Krash!!
[SFX]: vrooom!
Jim: He flew end over end.
Patrol Trooper: Well, looky...
Patrol Trooper: Aaaagghh!!
[SFX]: vrooom!
Jim: His wallet described a graceful parabolic arc, and I caught it!
Qi’ra: That was so awesome!
Alberto: Check his wallet.
Qi’ra: It says his name is Benito. And here’s his security clearance! We’re in!
Alberto: Right! Just call me Benito!
Jim: Behind us, the original Benito looked up in a daze:
[SFX]: brgrgrgrr...
[SFX]: vrooom!
Patrol Trooper Benito: Ugh, looky, looky. I am badly injured. And in my last week before retirement...

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:18 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net