Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2598: My Dreams Become So Real to Me     >

Episode 2598: My Dreams Become So Real to Me


Visions can be a cool way to provide information to players. Being (generally) non-interactive, you can play them as watchable scenes without fear of interruption or being sidetracked.

Then the only obstacle is making sure the players understand them.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Aww, come on GM! Let the players of those characters have a little bit of fun! It's no fun if the vision can make complete sense. You could even give a limit like "one sentence, no more than 15 words", then follow up with your own planned-out prompt! Plus, then if Jim somehow manages to not waste the opportunity and it turns out to be something cool, you can grab it and run while pretending it fits into your plan all along!

Anyway, Kylo having a vision sequence at the same time is odd, but also intriguing. It means that it's not Kylo that pushed Rey into seeing things, it's something else. In the comic, that's obviously going to be Anakin. He got stuck to the laser sword, but somehow escaped, and the sword may or may not have gotten broken before it was transcended with him as well. Now that Anakin's free, Rey's chance of not getting possessed for a physical host body again is to stick Anakin back in the sword.


GM: I actually had something to say as Luke in the vision, Corey.
Luke: Sorry.
Luke: {GM speaking} That laser sword, it belonged to me.
Luke: {GM} Now, this weapon is your life.
Rey: Well that’s not ominous or anything.
GM: Kylo, you get a sudden vision. Back on Mustafar.
Kylo Ren: What? Why am I seeing visions?
GM: The Force works in strange ways.
GM: You’re on the Endor Peace Moon. Han Solo walks towards you.
Han: Ooh!
GM: What did I just say to Corey, Jim?
Han: Aww.
Han: {GM speaking} So, are you satisfied with your revenge?
Kylo Ren: Of course. You’re dead. I killed you.
[SFX]: Stab!!
Han: {GM} Have you lost sight of the deeper scar on your life?
Kylo Ren: What?
Han: {falling to death} A-na-kiiii... {fading out}
Kylo Ren: Oh, so sorry. Didn’t catch that. Could you maybe fall to your death more slowly next time?

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Published: Thursday, 20 March, 2025; 02:11:32 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net