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<     Episode 2597: Double Vision

Episode 2597: Double Vision


The thing about mysterious visions—or mysterious anything, in fact—is that they can be misinterpreted.

Wait, this is players we're talking about.

They will be misinterpreted.

So to address this you need to have contingencies, like extra clues. Or replaying the visions again with more hints. Or just more metaphorical beating over the head.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Definitely back to more of the plot of Episode VII, I think. We've got the odd little girl again, Rey holding the girl (though possibly not, since we can't see the other person's face), Kylo in a place with too little background fire for me to think "throne room fight", and back to Rey a third time with a blooper reel lightsaber blade. Kylo's is silly enough with the crossbar bits; two blades in the same direction won't even have the excuse of trying to look cool if this is a future scene of some kind.

Oh and Luke shows up again. This is definitely not just a bunch of future visions. Kylo's two panels may or may not be from the throne room, but Luke's dead now. And since there's no Force Ghost glow on him, that means it's gotta be a vision from the past. It's probably something encouraging as an opposite reflection of Kylo, but then again, maybe not. It's not like Luke seemed exceptionally nice while Rey was on Achoo.

In the end, I'm hoping that Pete gets partially tricked into choosing to stick with Team Good Guy. R2-D2 is like a token evil team-mate, but still sticks up for everyone in the group. Mostly. Rey on the other hand has felt a little selfish, but still mainly on the Good side. I would be shocked if Disney had Rey end up evil at the end of the movie, but I think it'd be very amusing if Pete got tricked into choosing Good as the most expedient way to get power/influence.


GM: Rey suddenly feels a surge of Force energy.
GM: The lighting shifts.
GM: A bolt of lightning reveals a dim stone temple.
[SFX]: kerackk!
GM: A hooded figure on a dark throne presides over the sinister place.
GM: Lightning flashes! You’re in a blinding desert, looking down at a young girl.
Girl: Noo! Don’t leave me!
Restrainer: Quiet, girl.
Girl: Bring it to me.
Rey: Can I get a better look?
GM: The dark-haired girl is comforted by a frightened-looking woman.
Woman: Shh. Shh. Shhm—
GM: The scene changes. Kylo Ren gestures to you after the fight in Snoke’s throne room.
Kylo Ren: But now I have your weapon.
GM: In a dark, snowy forest you glimpse yourself, in a black hood, by the flare of a double red laser sword.
[SFX]: whmmmm...
Dark Rey: Coool...
GM: You see Luke on Ahch-To.
Luke: I knew you’d think your evil self was cool.
Rey: How could you know that? You’re a vision.
Luke: It’s just that predictable.

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Published: Tuesday, 18 March, 2025; 02:11:43 PDT.
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