Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2596: Twigging Out

Episode 2596: Twigging Out


Frustration can be an interesting thing to show in a movie, but engendering frustration in a game can be... frustrating for the players.

Roleplaying frustration in a character is one thing, and can be fine. But a good GM should always be on the lookout for actual frustration among the players. That's a sign that things aren't going smoothly and some sort of active change is needed to get the game moving again.

If you start sensing player frustration with a scene or event, cut it short. Make some excuse why it can just be over. Either the heroes get what they want without any further delay, or something intervenes to mix things up. It's okay to shortcut frustrating puzzles or encounters and let the players get on with having fun. In fact, it's better for your game.

Do try to come up with some in-game reason why the frustrating thing can be cut short though, rather than just a GM fiat declaration. I mean, it is a GM fiat declaration, but couch it in terms that make sense within the fiction. For example: the dungeon explorers are trying to work their way through a locked door, but they keep failing lockpicking or door-smashing rolls. They don't want to abandon the door as they think there's something important beyond, but they're getting frustrated by the time it's taking to get through. Well, just have something on the other side unlock and open the door to see what the fuss is! They'll have to deal with this creature, but at least that's more interesting than trying a tenth time to open the door.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

There's probably some symbolism about using a wooden stick instead of a technological sword to defeat the remote. Probably. Can't think what though at the moment.

Rey does appear to be losing control here. I guess the Force Phone Call is still a thing, even if Rey didn't pick up the metaphysical phone in this case. Why Kylo might be trying to influence Rey here, who's to say. Perhaps this is trying to pick up some plot thread of whatever Kylo and Rey were doing before Snoke got smoked? That seems self-contained enough looking back. Kylo wanted Snoke dead, Rey agreed to come as bait because that would help the Resistance in the end, and things worked out enough after Snoke died and they fought to allow Rey to escape.

If one of those trees doesn't fall over after getting cut in the middle, that's going to be a bit of a shame. That'd be a good startle moment to have after Rey thinks she's finished the remote sparring. Perhaps even with Kylo's phone call getting picked up in spite of Rey ignoring it.


GM: Kylo establishes a connection to Rey.
Rey: I reject the call and strike the remote! 7!
Kylo Ren: I reach out through the Force.
GM: You sense Rey’s growing annoyance.
Kylo Ren: Give in to your anger.
GM: <roll>
GM: You swing at the remote, but miss and hit some trees.
[SFX]: Whoooom!!
[SFX]: Sliiice! {Rey slashes right through a tree trunk}
[SFX]: Sliiice!
[SFX]: Whoooom!! {again}
[SFX]: Whoooom!!
[SFX]: Sliiice! {and again}
Kylo Ren: Let the hate flow through you.
Rey: I throw the sword at the remote! Ugh, 3.
[SFX]: Whoooom!!
[SFX]: Sliiice! {the thrown sword cuts through another tree, while missing the remote}
Rey: Force Pull a fallen branch and nail the remote! 20!
Rey: Aaarrh!
Rey: 20!
[SFX]: thunk! {Rey skewers the remote to a tree with the branch}
Kylo Ren: Well. Hurting innocent trees. I guess you gotta start somewhere.

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Published: Sunday, 16 March, 2025; 02:11:05 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net