Mysterious influences can be pretty cool, but one issue with them in a game is that some players may feel that it's robbing them of agency. Rather than have a malign influence simply control a PC's actions, it can feel better for players if instead it just applies some penalty to their actions, so they can still make rolls and have a chance to succeed, or resist the effects somehow.
It depends on your players though. Some are perfectly fine with the GM taking them over and directing their actions for a little bit, while others will kick and scream if you try this. As always, judge your audience.
Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)
Really now. Why does Kylo still have that thing? It'd be one thing if we got to see it in Episode VIII, but we skipped the appearance there. I.... guess the director really wanted to bring that plot bit back? It also seems that we'll find out what happened between Kylo and Palpaclone later.
Something's definitely having an affect on Rey in the movie though. She'd been doing excellent at running, balancing and deflecting, and jumping. And now the forest floor is saying hello to her face? And the remotes are hitting her? That definitely means something's up.
I'm also curious how many of these remotes are attacking, given the running Rey has been doing. Is it just one that's quickly flying around being a pain? Or are there multiple that are ambushing her as she gets close to the spot while running around? Either one of those could have some pretty neat visuals. Like Rey running past the camera as they pop up from the grass, or a first-person view from the single chasing remote as she's running around.
GM: You make it back to the ravine. Now you jump.
Rey: 18!
Kylo Ren: Can I interrupt for a scene?
GM: In the middle of the training run?
Kylo Ren: Yeah. I go to my quarters and open the vault where I keep Vader’s mask.
GM: Okay.
Kylo Ren: {to mask} So, that’s why you didn’t have the Japor snippet. Palpatine took it. But I have it now.
Kylo Ren: But you can help me reach out with the Force. Where is Rey?
GM: <roll>
GM: Rey, you sense a dark presence and your step falters. Running roll at -4.
Rey: 2.
GM: You trip and fall headlong.
[SFX]: trip... Splat!
Rey: I jump up, sword ready, alert!
GM: The remote fires, but your mind is clouded. Parry at -5.
Rey: 4.
[SFX]: pow!
Rey: Ow!
[SFX]: pow!
Rey: Ow!
BB-8: And that, folks, is how one levels up Tactical Evasion.