Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2594: The Funky Ribbon

Episode 2594: The Funky Ribbon


Yeah... games don't usually include training scenes like this. Even movies often condense them into the training montage.

If you do decide to play out a training scene though, make sure you have the appropriate soundtrack.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oh duh! I completely forgot about the training drone that Luke sparred with! And since Rey's already had a number of actual lightsaber fights, there's no need to start at that low skill level. Plus, the movie has to make it a better training clip than the original trilogy somehow!

I wonder if Rey set this up for herself or if there were other Resistance members that helped out. It'd be not easy to drag a large vine across empty space on one's own. And slicing up a ribbon? Slicing up some other vines would work just as well for repeated training runs. So someone else must have put the ribbon up at the very least, I think.

Anyway. It'd be just like Pete to talk himself into wearing the "cosmetic item" just in case it actually isn't only cosmetic too. It'd also be like Pete to argue that having a neat ribbon gives a bonus of some kind as well. Status ailments don't seem to be a Star Wars problem, so charisma boosting is about the most I'd think it could do.


GM: All right. Let’s play out the training run.
Rey: Seriously?
GM: You can’t just level up with no risk.
GM: You take off into the jungle. Make a Running roll to avoid tripping over an exposed root.
Rey: 13.
GM: You make it to a slackline rope over the ravine.
Rey: I was just going to jump this.
GM: Ah, you said blaster deflection first. Put on the helmet with the blast shield lowered and walk across the rope.
Rey: Really?
GM: Gotta make it challenging. A remote appears and shoots as you cross the rope. Roll Acrobatics, Force Sense, and Parry.
[SFX]: pow {a remote fires a bolt at Rey}
[SFX]: kzzkk! {Rey deflects it with her laser sword, while blinded by the helmet and traversing the rope over the ravine}
Rey: 8, 19, and 15.
[SFX]: pow {remote fires again}
[SFX]: kztang! {Rey deflects again}
GM: Good. You reach the turnaround point, where a ribbon dangles from a tree branch.
Rey: I leap up and slice it off!
[SFX]: whoooom!! {Rey cuts the dangling red ribbon with her sword}
GM: Congratulations!
Rey: So I level up? {holding the cut ribbon}
GM: Not yet. But you unlocked a cosmetic item.

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Published: Tuesday, 11 March, 2025; 02:11:25 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net