Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2593: Active Resistance Training

Episode 2593: Active Resistance Training


In some games you only gain experience while actively adventuring, whereas some games have rules for training and improving during down time as well. Which type of improvement you prefer depends on, well, your preference. Down time training is an easy enough subsystem to either add or remove from any game.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ok, the jungle planet is still green, but at least it's not trying to pull off an Emerald City impression on everyone in it. I wonder if this means that the Falcon has successfully jumped away or dealt with the anomaly that was constantly pulling them out of hyperspace. I don't think the Interdictor ships could do anything like that and liquefied time wouldn't be Star Wars so.... maybe there's a weird Force thing going on in the movie? We've already had the Force Time Stop show up.

Anyway, that is an oddly specific order. Specific enough that I expect all three of those things to show up before Rey leaves the planet. I'm not sure why we'll have all of these since jungle planet seems to be a Resistance base, but a training session for new recruits could fit. I'm not sure if that'd be the way Star Wars would go for non-main characters, but if it's meant to show off how Rey is becoming a leader, that would be nice.


GM: Back on Ajan Kloss, Rey and Leia are talking.
Leia: Try not to break it again. Half a sword isn’t much use.
Rey: Eh. I use a quarterstaff all the time.
Leia: You should test it before trusting it in a fight.
Rey: Good idea. I’ll do a training run. Sprint through the jungle, deflect remote blaster bolts, and dramatically leap over a ravine.
Leia: That’s... oddly specific.
Rey: I just need a few more XP to level up Running, Parry, and Jumping.
BB-8: A speedrun! I’ll come along too.
Rey: What are you going to level up? You don’t exactly run or jump or wield weapons.
BB-8: Tactical Evasion. If I position myself right, enemies just keep shooting at you instead.
Rey: Damn. I have to respect that.

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Published: Sunday, 09 March, 2025; 03:00:06 PDT.
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