Darths & Droids


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Episode 2560: Death of a Talisman


Bookends are satisfying.

Writing fiction you can make the ending circumstances deliberately echo those of the beginning, either for the story as a whole or for a character. Obviously, the makers of Episode VIII wanted to recall the iconic scene in Episode IV where Luke, soon after being introduced, stares at the binary sunset of Tatooine, longing for adventure. And here we see at the end of his adventurous life he again faces a binary sunset.

In a game this is more difficult to pull off. But it can be done with a bit of preparation and on-the-fly improvisation. Make notes of particularly memorable scenes or events occurring near the start of a new character's adventures. And then when death is nigh, think up a suitable echo that can occur. If done well, this can be particularly gratifying as a way to pay tribute to the character who is about to fade away from the ongoing story.

Satisfying are bookends.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

See you later, Luke! Don't stay away too long like Obi-Wan and Yoda did!

Really though. Why have Luke die transcend at this point? Is it just to have another matching event to Episode V? That doesn't even fit as Obi-Wan died in IV and Yoda waited until VI to leave. Was one last Force Phone call to try and help the Resistance by tricking Kylo really too much effort? It'd be really silly to think that falling off the rock would be the cause.

Nice last lines poem by Corey. I wonder if he'd come up with it before, since Luke was holding back Anakin and this was an expected end. He's gotten a lot better at being a roleplayer either way; remember way back when he first showed up and was expecting it to be a computer based game?


Luke: If I Force Transcend, can I take my sword with me?
GM: Normally it’s just—
Luke: I can teleport an X-wing. Surely I can transcend a sword. I want to bring Anakin with me.
GM: Ohh...
GM: But Anakin would still be able to manifest.
Luke: Only if his midi-chlorians remain. If I can take those with my body, he can’t manifest. Unless his midi-chlorians have midi-chlorians.
Luke: I could never rest as long as Anakin was capable of possessing someone.
Luke: But this way... the Galaxy can be rid of him for good. I can be at peace at last.
GM: I’ll allow it.
GM: You Transcend, taking your sword and eradicating Anakin’s midi-chlorians.
Anakin’s Voice: Noooo!!...
GM: As you fade, the binary sunset of Ahch-To reminds you of another place, another...
Luke: From the sands an ash was awoken, A shadow from the light let fly; Renewed is the blade that was broken, The surnameless at last... shall die.
GM: ... time...

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Published: Sunday, 22 December, 2024; 01:11:03 PST.
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