Darths & Droids


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Episode 2559: The Shipping Olds


There's a long tradition in stories of huge mental or spiritual efforts being incredibly draining. But in a lot of games there is no real mechanism for making a giant effort to pull off something incredible and then being exhausted or incapacitated afterwards. For example, spellcasters have a number of spells they can cast, and they can cast all of them with no mental exhaustion, but only at their specified strengths and effects. There's no mechanic to exhaust yourself to squeeze out another spell or an increased effect or something you've never been able to do before.

But some other games do have rules to allow this sort of thing. You can improvise larger or different effects, and there is a cost to pay in terms of physical effects on the caster. Some games go so far as to allow huge effects, at potentially disastrous costs - ranging from the death of the caster to all living things being obliterated in a 30-mile radius.

Make sure you know what the possible consequences are!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Hmmm, teleporting is probably out as a movie thing if being aged by it is mentioned here. I did think of something else for figuring out what was going on with Luke however. Maybe it was actually another Force Phone-call or a better version, like Force Astral Projection, since Luke's appearance was different. He looks noticeably older between the salt planet appearance and Achoo, especially in the beard coloring, so that'd explain the difference there. Force Teleport not existing wouldn't explain the water Kylo has on his hand after that one scene, but that's the smaller detail between these two explanations.

Heh, and if the Force Phone-call is only seen by other Force Sensitive people, that would nicely explain why General Hux gets tossed to the side. He's been pretty much the only one who might stand up to Kylo's whims, so he gets to be the chew toy when Kylo "sees" Luke still standing at the entrance to the Resistance base. Nobody else is gonna try and tell Kylo that there's nothing there; they're just gonna shut up and shoot the hole again if Kylo changes his mind about landing his ship and fighting something only he can see.

.... I wonder if the rest of the First Order knows that Snoke is dead because of Kylo yet.


GM: Now you’re stranded on Ahch-To again.
Luke: Can I teleport objects with me?
GM: Your clothes and laser sword obvi—
Luke: Aha! So I can bring my X-wing.
GM: That’s...
GM: Okay. If you want. But it’ll really drain you.
Luke: Whatever. I need it.
GM: It ages you <roll>... Whoa, 20 years!
Luke: Dang.
Luke: I’m getting too old for this ship.
Anakin’s Voice: You should not have come back. Your powers are weak, old man!
Luke: Anakin!
Anakin’s Voice: Now I am the stronger! I shall possess you!
Luke: Never!
Anakin’s Voice: It is your destiny! I shall join you, and rule the Galaxy as father and son!
Luke: Considering your family skills... I think I’ll pass.

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Published: Thursday, 19 December, 2024; 01:11:06 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net