Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2555: The Brain in Strain Falls Mainly on the Pain     >

Episode 2555: The Brain in Strain Falls Mainly on the Pain


Risk versus reward is the classic gaming dilemma. It helps when setting up a dice roll to make it clear what the consequences for a success or failure are. This helps the player make the decision to either roll the dice, or try to find some other thing they can do that might be less risky and more palatable.

Try not to let players roll, and then only after they fail describe something bad happening to them. It feels unfair and arbitrary. Compare:

Player: I'm going to try to jump over the pit.
GM: Make a Dex roll.
Player: Oops. I failed.
GM: You don't make it. You fall to your doom!
Player: Don't I at least get a chance to grab on to the edge?
GM: Nope, it's too slippery.


Player: I'm going to try to jump over the pit.
GM: You size up the distance. You can make it with a Dex roll, but the edge is slippery and if you fail you don't think you have any chance of holding on.
Player: Hmm. Sounds too risky. Do we have any rope? Or a potion of flying?

Letting players know what the dangers are before they roll empowers them to make meaningful decisions. Which hopefully is more fun for everyone.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

And here's the expected Rey rescue. In spite of rolling a six, I bet that Rey's successful. Not having a success here feels like a missed story beat in showing how Rey is able to succeed as a Jedi. Plus, it's Pete. There's no way he's not going to have a maxed-out Force-using skill of some kind that he could justify here.

Whatever the outcome is, they better hurry in finding another solution or running through the gap afterwards; Kylo's on the way!


GM: Rey reaches the bunker’s back door. It’s blocked by a rockfall.
Rey: Looks like a job for Force Levitation.
GM: Failure could destabilise things and collapse the tunnel. Your call.
Rey: Hmmm...
Poe: {peering out through a tiny gap between the fallen rocks} Rey! We’re trapped in here!
Rey: Ah, greater risk, greater reward. Now it’s worth rolling.
Rey: 6!
Leia: Is that enough?
Poe: What’s your skill?
C-3PO: Welp. You’re doomed.
Poe: You’re in here too.
C-3PO: Yes, but I have hardened memory marbles. You, unfortunately, have a squishy brain.
Poe: Oh.
C-3PO: And so many pain receptors.

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Published: Tuesday, 10 December, 2024; 01:11:05 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net