Darths & Droids


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Episode 2554: Mauled


This is really why the GM shouldn't have a plot. Players will make a mess of it. Just set up a situation and see what they do with it. The plot and the story are made by what the players do, not what the GM pre-ordains.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Dang it Luke, you missed a step! You stalled for a good amount of time, sure, but Kylo's still got both arms! What's going to stop him from charging right in and killing everyone now? Ghost-bi Wan couldn't do anything to affect the living. Even Yoda only made lightning strike a tree, and while it's a pretty clear day out right now, that could be a comic thing as well!

I do like the subtle dig at Han Solo though. Just changing a name is a very poor disguise. You should shower, change clothes, add some perfume... wait, no blob monsters that'd care about that in Star Wars.


Anakin’s Voice: You call yourself Kylo Ren now?
Anakin’s Voice: A name is a poor disguise.
[SFX]: whmmm... {Luke’s sword hums}
Kylo Ren: You’re dead!
[SFX]: whmmm... {Kylo’s sword hums}
Luke: Anakin’s body, yes. But his mind lives in his midi-chlorians. Which reside in this sword.
[SFX]: whmmm... {Luke’s sword hums}
Luke: The sword calls to people who share his bloodline.
Luke: But our strength is all that stands between him and the horrors he wrought being revisited.
[SFX]: shwoop {Luke deactivates his sword}
Luke: You can’t win, Ren. If you strike me down, Anakin shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Anakin’s Voice: Do it!
[SFX]: whooom! {Kylo charges at Luke}
Kylo Ren: Raaarrh!
{Luke stands defiantly facing Kylo}
[SFX]: Whooom! {Kylo swings his sword with all his rage and hatred}
[SFX]: Sslliiiii... {Kylo’s sword passes through Luke’s torso}
[SFX]: ...iiiiice! {and out the other side}
GM: The second thing it’ll say is “PvP stands for Players vanquishing Plot”.

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Published: Sunday, 08 December, 2024; 01:11:13 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net