Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2532: One in Vermilion

Episode 2532: One in Vermilion


It's a proven fact that larger vehicles can fit through tight spaces easier than smaller vehicles. Just ask a bus driver.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Yeah, that's the stuff! And we get a bonus cave as well! It's almost a shame Jim can't really comment on how something like this could form. That would be a really fascinating description. Possibly something to do with how the water table drying out left large holes in the ground that grew even larger when what little moisture was still there ran back through the ground.

Pete's comment does remind me of Han Solo in Episode V. And thinking about it, this is sort of like the asteroid field massive region of randomly moving giant space rocks with the Millennium Falcon being chased. Which, while I imagine was fairly impressive for the time, does seem lackluster now compared to a glowing red crystalline cavern chase. That said, I would still rate giant space wyrms higher than salt foxes. At least, until we see that they reflect blaster bolts or something.


[SFX]: whoooosshh... {the Falcon flies through a spectacular red crystal canyon}
[SFX]: whoooosshh...
[SFX]: pow! pow! {a PIE is in hot pursuit and shoots}
[SFX]: whoooosshh... {they emerge in an astonishing cavern lined with huge red crystals}
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww...
Chewbacca: Do you know that when trying to outfly thirty fighters at breakneck speed in a constricted space, my Piloting roll suffers penalties from—
[SFX]: Kaboom! {the PIE flies into one of the crystals and explodes}
[SFX]: whoooosshh... {the Falcon speeds off through the cavern}
Rey: Never tell me the mods!

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Published: Thursday, 17 October, 2024; 02:11:19 PDT.
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