Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2531: The Rhodochrosite Manoeuvre

Episode 2531: The Rhodochrosite Manoeuvre


Driving vehicles through tight spaces at high speed is a classic action movie scene. So of course you should endeavour to include this in a game adventure whenever you possibly can. Not just narrow canyons, but the classic chase through a market square is like this too.

Basically any time you have a chase happening—either the heroes chasing fleeing villains, or villains chasing the fleeing heroes—don't just leave the terrain blank and boring. Throw in as many obstacles and tight squeezes as possible!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

I guess that's one way to turn the tide of a battle. Don't need to worry about the flies buzzing around if you throw an irresistible thing away from you. The Resistance's chance of succeeding in the defence just took another step up, I think, if all of the fighters did indeed divert off.

But really, though. Why does Kylo think this is such a major problem? He already knows that he'd killed Han Solo, and the last Rey was seen, she was on one of the First Order ships. Even if Rey managed to escape, the First Order really should have seen the Falcon flying towards the planet. Just another example of him getting angry at being reminded of something and lashing out I suppose.

Anyway, flying through a narrow canyon sounds very exciting! And it also promises to look very impressive as well with the light reflecting off of the crystals. Interesting that the canyon isn't covered in salt as well though....


Kylo Ren: That’s Han Solo’s ship!
General Hux: What of it?
Kylo Ren: Han Solo, my father! Murdered by that scoundrel who stole his identity! That ship belongs to me!
General Hux: If possession is nine-tenths of—
Kylo Ren: Capture it!
General Hux: Yes... of course.
Rey: Chewie, those fighters are after us now. Let’s draw them away from the battle.
Chewbacca: And what do you propose we do to avoid being blown out of the sky by thirty pursuing fighters?
Rey: If only there were some constricted space we could fly through at great peril to try and shake them off.
[SFX]: whoooosshh... {the Falcon heads towards some cliff formations at the edge of the salt flat}
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww... {PIE fighters follow}}
Poe: Ooh, yeah! A narrow canyon, with rhodochrosite crystal formations!
Rey: Is that bright red colour natural?
[SFX]: whoooosshh... {the Falcon turns downwards into a fissure in the salty surface, bright red crystals exposed inside the canyon}
[SFX]: pow! {a vain PIE fighter shot fails to hit the rapidly twisting Falcon}
Poe: It’s enhanced by the blood of all those who tried this before and failed.

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Published: Tuesday, 15 October, 2024; 02:11:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net