Darths & Droids


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Episode 2519: Salt and Pep Talk


There are endless possibilities for cool planetary geology. Just look at our own solar system for inspiration. A sulphur world like Io. An ice ball with a vast sub-ice ocean like Europa. A world with methane lakes and rivers like Titan.

Or for something truly novel, a world with immensely varied geological features like Earth.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Salt planet huh? With completely dried up seas? That sounds.... inhospitable. Like, microbes can't live here kind of inhospitable. Things can live in sandy deserts because they can either hide from the sun or have adapted to retain their water. Even salt flats still have water here and there. How could something adapt to this area if all the water is gone?

Maybe it's just this part of the planet that's that way. I do see blue in the first panel; it's not a guarantee of water, but there's at least the possibility of it on that part of the planet. Jim might also realize that having a breathable atmosphere while still losing large bodies of water is unlikely. All the water would have to go somewhere right? Either that, or this is one humid planet. Like a sauna that's using salt water for the steam.

And that's a huge door as well. Did someone really decide that it was a good idea to try and build on this planet? If there's nowhere else to go, that'd make the choice easier. Or did they build it off-world and have it delivered instead? Just a giant delivery of premade buildings to make this palatal pretzel planet partially pleasant. Hmmm, possibly.


GM: Crait.
GM: A planet unlike any you’ve seen before.
BB-8: How is it different?
GM: Uh... Jim?
Poe: Salt. There are continents edged with cliffs but the shallow seas all dried up millions of years ago.
Leia: So lots of salt? That’s gonna be bad on the ships and equipment.
C-3PO: What about the air? Can we breathe it?
Poe: Oh yeah, the atmosphere’s breathable. Just... salty. Your mouth will feel like you’re chewing pretzels.
Rose: That sounds... uncomfortable.
Poe: Only if you’re a fan of saliva. And sweat will crystallise on your skin. But don’t worry. It’ll take a few days before we dehydrate.
Leia: This could be a long siege.
GM: Salt world it is!

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Published: Tuesday, 17 September, 2024; 02:11:11 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net