Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2518: Mediocre, a Provoker, I’m a Mad Spite Choker     >

Episode 2518: I’m Mediocre, a Provoker, a Mad Spite Choker


Villains need to establish dominance. It's part of the whole villain schtick. Or is it?!

It's always expected, so try subverting it. Imagine a group of villains who have some sort of democratic council to decide what to do. Or a system of promotion and relegation from the leadership. Or maybe everyone down to the lowliest henchman gets a vote in villainous policy.

This could make for a very interesting game scenario. Definitely something most players wouldn't expect!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ooo. I want to see more of that scene outside the ship. That looks like it could be the other half of the giant ship burning and drifting apart. And as for the rest of the fleet leaving to do other things, delivery duty probably makes more sense than whatever the movie came up with. I think that getting disabled or destroyed by the shrapnel from the hyperjump impact would be even more satisfying, but that feels too successful a Resistance Action for this movie to use.

Hux probably mouthed off to Kylo, didn't he? Not that Kylo would need the reason to lash out, given a lot of the other things we've seen previously with him. But that'd be a really obvious way to have Kylo to attack Hux instead of smashing other stuff in the room. I mean, smashing it up even more. Anyway, I give it.... 30% chance that Kylo kills Hux here. Kylo's an angry dude, but I don't think we've had quite enough set-up or combat for Hux to die as a result of that.

Also? I'm a bit surprised Snoke's hand is still on the throne armrest. In spite of everything, I guess the room wasn't too shaken by everything.


GM: Sally, Pete, the explosion knocked you out. Roll for Recovery.
Kylo Ren: 7.
Rey: 14. All right. I’m writing out what I want to do before Kylo comes to.
General Hux: I go to the throne room to check on Snoke after the crash.
GM: Okay. You find Snoke and his guards dead and Kylo Ren moaning as he regains consciousness. No sign of Rey.
General Hux: Well. If this is a cover up of usurping your evil master, I have to say it’s pretty convincing.
Kylo Ren: What’s happening with the Resistance?
General Hux: Their shuttles have fled to Crait.
Kylo Ren: After them! What’s our fleet status?
GM: Ben, a note.
General Hux: About that... All the surviving ships have left. Some high imperative about “delivery duty”.
[SFX]: choke! {Kylo Force Chokes Hux}
[SFX]: hack! cough! {Hux collapses as Kylo chokes him}
General Hux: What’s <gag>... this for?!
Kylo Ren: If you don’t know, I guess that’s why you’ve never established dominance in this hierarchy.

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Published: Sunday, 15 September, 2024; 02:11:06 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net