Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2509: But Wait, There’s More!     >

Episode 2509: But Wait, There’s More!


Spreadsheets can actually be a useful tool for tracking things when running a game. Things like inventories, experience points, gold pieces. Just try not to get too involved with them during the game.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

And cut back to the other fight. Looks like Finn has not instantly gotten knocked down too! Good luck Finn, I think you're gonna need it.

Rose is peeking out from cover? Seems a little dangerous. Less dangerous than BB-8 sitting on top of the walker legs without any cover at all though. If Finn wasn't so close to Phasma, I'd suggest BB shoot Phasma and hope her armor isn't reflective enough for shots that large. Or maybe shooting the floor for splash damage would work better.

And GM? I think Corey getting distracted like this is your fault. You made that spreadsheet as a part of the game; Corey's just using it to try and solve the in-game problem of the heroes getting chased! Either way, finding only one infinite loop is pretty good! That means the spreadsheet wasn't that hastily put together.


GM: Meanwhile, Finn is charging at Phasma!
Finn: Yaaarhh!!
[SFX]: crunch! {Finn performs an overhand smash; Phasma blocks with her weapon}
BB-8: Guys! I figured it out! There’s an infinite loop in the First Order’s product offerings!
Finn: What!?
[SFX]: kkgrzhzhkk! {Finn and Phasma face off with weapons locked together throwing sparks between them}
BB-8: There are multiple “with any purchase over X” vouchers, leading to several “buy Y, get a free Z” offers that can be chained together.
BB-8: Once we get over a few million credits the bonus items trigger each other in multiples and the order grows exponentially with no further expenditure.
[SFX]: zzzk!! {Finn and Phasma’s locked weapons throw more sparks}
Finn: So, a bug in the system?
[SFX]: zzzk!!
General Phasma: Let’s go, rat-brat!
Rose: Can we use it to cripple the fleet like we planned?
BB-8: Well, no. We need way more input capital than we have.
Rose: So why did you spend time looking over a spreadsheet to work all that out?
BB-8: Because it’s fun?
GM: You do realise we’re playing a game?

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Published: Sunday, 25 August, 2024; 02:11:14 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net