Darths & Droids


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Episode 2510: When She Wore a Younger ’Borg’s Clothes


You can digitise anything with high enough tech. Just ask Jeff Bridges.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

.... Oh for crying out loud. I should have realized that's what DJ's phrase would translate to after remembering what piscis means. He can't even do that now!

Anyway, I'd kinda thought we were done with DJ as well. He'd seemed more like a way to get Rose and Finn out of jail on Casino planet, and he'd just gotten paid for betraying them here. Jim could just be continuing to roll with the vibes of Han Solo's "Betray, Get money, Betray again, Get more money", and so on. But that wouldn't explain why that'd be the case in the movie.

It's probably for the best that DJ doesn't take all the credit anyway. The other characters might remember that he still sold them out not too long ago!


GM: Phasma launches a flurry of blows with her quicksilver baton.
Finn: I edge back, defending and looking for an opening.
[SFX]: swing! {Phasma swings at Finn}
General Phasma: I have whirl’d with the earth at the dawning, When the sky was a vaporous flame; I have seen the dark universe yawning, Where the black planets roll without aim.
GM: Rose is still pinned by heavy weapons fire.
[SFX]: pow! {as above}
Rose: We need some sort of miracle.
DJ: You rang? Convoca maior piscis!
Rose: DJ?? Where are you?
DJ: On the radio! BB, how’s our plan going?
BB-8: I have the infinite loop worked out. Just need some initial cash.
DJ: Wiring it to you now!
GM: Wait, you can’t do that.
Rose: It’s a high-tech setting. Surely he can send money electronically.
DJ: Res ipsa loquitur.
BB-8: I’m entering the orders!
GM: But... they paid DJ in boxes full of gold coins.
DJ: I digitised them!
BB-8: Wait. “Our” plan?
DJ: I didn’t want to take all the credit!

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Published: Tuesday, 27 August, 2024; 02:11:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net