Darths & Droids


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Episode 2508: Throw Your Arms At Me


Subtlety is something that can be in short supply in a game sometimes. When mighty heroes are kicking down doors and slaying monsters to take their loot, it doesn't seem like something you need much of.

But there are scenarios where subtlety can be a big factor. Playing political factions off against one another can make for fascinating roleplaying, if you have players who are good at being devious and subtle.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Daaaang. Now I really want to see this fight in motion. Sure, this part seems like it'd be somewhat slower with Rey thinking over whether Kylo should be left with the guard or not. But what a way to end the fight!

So with all the guards dead..... now what? Kylo and Rey duel next? That could be interesting, if a bit stupid for the state of the spaceship. Kylo's got the blue lightsaber, and Rey could easily Force Grab Kylo's red one for a neat reversal of the expected colors. The guards' weapons also seemed like they held up well, so those could also work if Kylo is going to be dual wielding lightsabers.

Hmmm. This might be a little too thinky for the movie to explain, but alternatively, Kylo lets Rey go and escape the ship. The reason being that while having a dead Resistance member works for okay propaganda to take over leading the First Order, Rey as a living target that's currently running away would work much better to unite them behind Kylo. That'd also work for the comic as, unless Nute really wants Kylo dead now because of Snoke dying, it would be the cheapest way to keep the First Order working together and, thus, more profits in the end.


Rey: What’s Kylo doing?
GM: The last guard still has him Neck Locked.
Kylo Ren: Rey! Help me!
Rey: Well, well, well. Here’s my chance to kill you.
Kylo Ren: But... you were turning to the Dark Side.
Rey: Right. Your master is dead. Now I’m the apprentice. Time I stepped up and assassinated you.
Kylo Ren: You’ve been my apprentice for like five minutes!
Rey: I’m a fast learner.
Kylo Ren: I Brace, Banking my Brawn to Break Free.
GM: +6 on your next attempt. Rey is too far away to strike.
[SFX]: whoooom!
Rey: I throw my sword, to slice both of them before Kylo escapes!
GM: Err... That’s tricky. -5.
Rey: Argh! 1.
GM: You accidentally turn the sword off. It flies towards <roll> Kylo’s left hand.
[SFX]: catch!
[SFX]: whoooompale! {Kylo ignites the sword and the blade pierces the guard’s facemask}
Kylo Ren: Right. Lesson 1 is going to be about throwing.
Kylo Ren: Lesson 0 is going to be about subtlety.

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Published: Thursday, 22 August, 2024; 02:11:08 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net