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Backstory 172: Thinking on a Higher Plane

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Jim: We tried to fly away, but it appeared to be all around us!
Lando: We’re heading towards The Maw.
[SFX]: krackle
Enrico: You know what I said about stupidly close?
Chewbacca: You don’t mean... You don’t really mean that this ship—
Enrico: Oh yes, I do!
Enrico: Let’s see if it goes for this!
Lando: That’s the escape pod!
Beckett: Why would it go for something smaller than the ship?
Chewbacca: It is intelligent, but not experienced. Its pattern indicates... four-dimensional thinking.
Beckett: So... it thinks the pod and ship are still connected in four dimensions.
Qi’ra: So it doesn’t matter which one it grabs! It’ll go for the easiest one!
GM: Wait. You couldn’t have thought of that before I told you the Rathtar was four-dimensional.
Enrico: 4-D chess, baby!

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Published: Monday, 01 August, 2022; 21:48:07 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net