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Backstory 168: We’re Out of Touch, You’re Out of Time

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Jim: The lightning took out main power. We were drifting blind!
[SFX]: Kraka-Boom!!
[SFX]: beeeoooooow... {interior lights go off}
Beckett: Space lightning? Really?
Jim: Turbulence in the nebula causes asymmetrical triboelectric charge separation on dust particles, until the electric field ionises the gas and creates a discharge channel [1].
Beckett: Okay...
Jim: It’s one proposed mechanism for formation of meteoric chondrules in protoplanetary nebulae. A woman at JPL was working on it. It doesn’t create the right porphyritic textures, but the lightning is totally plausible [2].
Beckett: Okay, fine, it’s real. What happens next?
GM: Can I interrupt and just have Sally read out this note... for no reason.
Sally: Where’ve you gone? I can’t see you! Noooooooo....!!!
[SFX]: fzzzzt!
Jim: Qi’ra helped me get the lights back on. We’d drifted up to the kilometre-wide eyeball of a giant space creature!
Beckett: How is that—
Jim: It’s biology! Anything’s possible!

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Published: Tuesday, 14 June, 2022; 21:32:57 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net