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Backstory 113: Weazel Words

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Jim: We cut to a scene with Weazel reporting to Enfys Nest as he watched the Lady Luck take off.
Jim: Pete, you can be Weazel.
Weazel: Your plan is underway, Enfys. We’ve attached the homing beacon. They won’t elude us now.
Enfys Nest: Good. Train robbers like that will be bound to make a big score somewhere. And when they do, we’ll be there to poach it from under them.
Weazel: Why don’t we just do our own heists?
Enfys Nest: Where’s the fun in that?
[SFX]: Vwwwooossshhh...!! {beat, Enfys Nest watches the Lady Luck fly up through the air}
Enfys Nest: How did you get to be named “Weazel” anyway?
Weazel: My dad liked it.
Enfys Nest: Pop chose the Weazel?

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Published: Sunday, 14 August, 2022; 06:03:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net