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Backstory 66: Moving Target

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Any bets that this’ll result in the GM coming up with more vehicle action in the future? Game inspiration can be hard to come by sometimes, and listening to the players’ wishes is good as a GM. Even if the players have ludicrous wishes, as a GM you can still aim for something similar feeling that people will enjoy. Or maybe if the system allows it, just give it to them and more!

And of course Pete still wants to fly a dreadnought. It’s been at least 4 years since the GM turned the last one into Mos Eisley. If Pete does manage to wrangle a dreadnought possibility in the future, I hope that the GM remembers that the bigger something is, the more difficult to maintain it would be. “Sure, you can have a dreadnought! Almost everything’s broken, and it can barely fly, but it’s yours! Oh, and the previous owners might be looking for it, just a heads up.”


Jim: I climbed on board the AT-hauler as it jostled on top of the train.
Beckett: This is pretty awesome. Our adventures need some high stakes vehicular action like this.
[SFX]: rumble rumble...
GM: Like, I dunno... the pod race?
Beckett: Nobody jumped from one vehicle to another.
GM: Like Luke jumping from the skiff onto Jabba’s sailbarge?
Beckett: One moving vehicle to another.
GM: Like... during the speeder chase on Endor?
Beckett: Yeah, but those were tiny vehicles.
GM: So what vehicles are you thinking about?
Beckett: Dreadnoughts!

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Published: Wednesday, 07 September, 2022; 04:00:52 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net