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Backstory 59: Bionical Mask of Fright

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Fun or not, as the writer, Jim could always just say Chi’ra happened to pull Chewie in at the last second. No waiting necessary. Coincidence is an excellent tool to use in storytelling, as long as it’s not overdone or too obvious.

Hmm, I doubt that Chewbacca pulling himself up on Chi’ra’s arm would rip the arm out of the socket. Unless Chewie’s intentionally trying to pull the arm off, there wouldn’t be any leverage available to do so. A bionic hand might be able to grip something hard enough, but regular human hands would slip off before any damage would happen.

And now I’m wondering if this is gonna end up being minor foreshadowing for a current or future character of Jim’s. Someone’s likely going to lose a limb in the sequel anyway; I can’t see that parallel to Anakin and Luke losing a limb not happening.


Jim: I pulled Chewbacca to safety at the last second!
Chi’ra: Hold on, Chewie! I’m going to pull you to safety at the last second!
Chewbacca: You could do it a few seconds earlier.
Chi’ra: That’s no fun!
Beckett: Chi’ra wouldn’t have the strength. But he could hold his arm out and Chewbacca could pull himself up.
[SFX]: Pow!
[SFX]: rumble rumble...
Corey: Wouldn’t that rip Chi’ra’s arm out of the socket?
Chewbacca: Can we stop with arms being ripped out? Not now, not ever.
Chi’ra: Oooh! I could get a bionic—
GM: No.
[SFX]: Yoink!
Chewbacca: My gratitude for your assistance. That was a close one.
GM: You and me both, Ben.

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Published: Monday, 15 August, 2022; 17:04:20 PDT.
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