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Backstory 48: Enfys Nest Syndrome

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

I bet Enfys Nest isn’t going to show up. It’s gonna be some group called something like Fensy Tens instead. Because there’s ten people in the group. Totally no relation to Enfys Nest, no siree.

False foreshadowing? That could be confusing. Nonsense things like this place the Coaxium is being delivered to? Definitely confusing. And a good way to potentially develop an intriguing place for players to investigate. Why is the expensive fuel delivered at one place, then moved elsewhere to be used when both places have the same difficulty of delivery? Secrecy, as already poorly stated, could be one reason; security against theft of the other projects could be another. Or it could be something more mundane like the local head honcho of the receiving spaceport is skimming off the top of the delivery to sell on the black market for personal gain. Or to twist that idea even further, the sales are going to a few different Rebellion groups (assuming they exist at this time)!


Chi’ra: But it can’t be that simple. I mean, there’s only so many things that can go wrong.
Val: You’re right, kid. If Enfys Nest knows about this shipment, we could get company.
Beckett: Enfys Nest doesn’t know about it. Only my guy has the intel. Don’t you worry about Enfys Nest.
Jim: This is foreshadowing, by the way.
Sally: That this Enfys Nest is going to show up?
Jim: Er, no, not at all! I mean... that Enfys Nest is not going to show up. Yeah.
Jim: Because that’s what Beckett said, see?
GM: <scribble scribble>
Jim: What are you doing?
GM: Taking some notes. This is a great way to confuse players.

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Published: Monday, 15 August, 2022; 17:04:25 PDT.
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