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Backstory 46: Frigid Logic

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Thank you, Pete! It is really odd to have this fuel delivered from space to some place not the shipyard. I smell movie criticism, and from what I can tell so far, I think it’s warranted. Rule of Cool can smooth over a lot of nitpicks, but bad writing can go a long way to make them all come right back. One thing I’ve liked about the original movies is that the used aesthetic is there, but there’s next to no effort in those movies to explain how anything still functions that would detract from the suspension of disbelief. Here? This feels exactly like what the comic would do to make fun of the Solo movie working counter to that.

Unless this train goes underground for long stretches of time and the facility is underground, it should be very easy to find with a coordinated search. Of course, there’d be plenty of ways to protect against searching, but then the base wouldn’t exactly be this kind of secret any longer. Space is incredibly big, but once you’ve gotten to a planet, it’s only a matter of time until the surface has been mapped.


Beckett: So, hang on. Why are they transporting valuable hyperfuel across this dangerous craggy landscape?
Beckett: It’s only useful for spaceships, right?
Jim: Yeah, the train was taking it to an Imperial shipyard.
Beckett: From...?
Jim: The receiving spaceport.
Beckett: When these ships are built, they have to take off from a spaceport, yes?
Jim: Of course!
Beckett: So why not deliver the coaxium to that spaceport?
Jim: It was a secret Imperial facility! It was so well hidden that incoming ships couldn’t find it.
Val: But the train can follow the tracks...
Jim: Exactly!

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Published: Monday, 15 August, 2022; 17:04:26 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net