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Backstory 41: The Grease Monkey

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Huh. Well, I guess I figured Beckett and crew would have stuck around for awhile, so somehow catching them before they left to keep them in the story makes sense. And really, Chewbacca just wanted a ship to leave; it didn’t need to be this specific ship. Chi’ra..... didn’t really get a say in the matter.

And oh, that’s a perfect reason to have a trooper constantly wearing their faceless suit. The Imperial army likely wouldn’t tolerate any kind of non-humans in its ranks, so hiding the face makes sense as well. I hope Rio makes it to the end of the movie; monkey aliens are neat, and he’s got extra limbs! I suspect if anyone’s going to end up dead in this movie though, it’ll be him. Space-monkey isn’t exceptionally serious as a character concept to make it through a dramatic moment or few.


Jim: Beckett and his crew were preparing to take off.
Pete: You said they were already leaving.
Jim: Ah, that’s what I thought at the time.
Pete: So why run after the ship? You’re never going to catch it.
Jim: But we did! That’s all that matters!
Jim: Rio climbed out of his trooper suit - he was an Ardennian, a monkey-like alien with four arms!
Rio: How do they breathe in these suits?
Val: Probably by being human.
Beckett: I’ll be damned.
Rio: Hey! Look who’s back! And he brought a Wookiee!
Val: I hope he’s eaten. We don’t have any crumpets.

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Published: Monday, 25 July, 2022; 22:40:57 PDT.
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