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Backstory 22: Crazy Like: A Fuel

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Coaxium is refined hyperfuel? ... Sure, why not. It’s not a bad name for a fuel, though I’m not sure why spaceship fuel would be useful for a bribe. Or why it would be worth selling at all on a planet that makes spaceships that all presumably need fueling in large amounts. Maybe it’s actually potable when refined, which is why it’d be a controlled substance? Ethanol is usable as a fuel after all.

Falthina looks suspiciously Imperial here. We’ve seen troopers so far, but now I’m curious why they would also be running emigration from the planet. It couldn’t be that hard to stow away on a nearly complete ship to escape could it? Even with lifeform scanners, there’d always be a way to block the readings. The movie hasn’t really had a point to it so far beyond “get off the planet”, so are we going to be looking at a series of escapades of trying to leave?


Jim: We approached the emigration control officer. Her name was Falthina Sharest. Sally, you can read her lines.
Falthina Sharest: Tickets.
Benito: We don’t have any. But we do have this. Refined hyperfuel. Worth at least 800 credits.
Falthina Sharest: You could be detained just for having that.
Benito: That wouldn’t do anyone any good. Let us through, it’s yours.
Falthina Sharest: Then I could be detained for having it! Maybe you should sell it and offer me cash.
Jim: Ahem!
Falthina Sharest: Sorry. I mean: Sure, that sounds good. I take bribes all the time!

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Published: Monday, 25 July, 2022; 22:41:04 PDT.
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