Darths & Droids


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Backstory 20: Terminal Ferocity

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

It’s a rare airport that doesn’t feel like that. And they’re always expensive as well. If you haven’t traveled before, there’s at least an extra 20% price increase just for the location. At least, this is the case for airports that are meant for actually traveling far away anyway; small airports with aircraft like little twin seat Cessnas wouldn’t get that crowded.

Sooooo..... Actual accosting for the dogs or something else? Benito did have their wallet stolen and both hovercraft would probably have been called in. While ditching the vehicles would help avoid that connection, a 2 kilometer run is still a fair ways to travel. Or maybe Moloch is a known gang-member and hasn’t paid off the local cops for this month yet. Could also be that they’re all under Proxima’s thumb and the troopers got the tip-off about looking for the duo. Masks work both ways after all.


Jim: Qi’ra and I reached the spaceport. It was big and gloomy and dirty and crowded with tired, frustrated people desperate to be anywhere but here. Like Los Angeles Airport.
Jim: We dodged various security personnel and joined a queue to go through emigration control.
Jim: Qi’ra saw Moloch and the others searching the crowd behind us.
Qi’ra: Benito, they’re here.
Jim: A trooper accosted Moloch:
Trooper: Hey, you can’t bring dogs in here!
Moloch: They’re emotional support animals.
Trooper: But they look vicious.
Moloch: I need to see people’s faces ripped off from time to time, or I get nervous.

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Published: Monday, 25 July, 2022; 22:41:04 PDT.
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