Darths & Droids


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Backstory 11: We Will, We Will Rock You

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Rocks are powerful weapons, as long as they’re going fast enough. Just ask the dinosaurs what their opinion is of fast-moving rocks. And they also tend to have useful materials inside that can be used to make other weapons.

Holding himself hostage to escape is not something I would have thought Han would do. Jim’s character definitely, as long as there didn’t seem to be any reason to simply not shoot him anyway. Exhibit A for that instance? Right here. It’s round enough to potentially be a thermal detonator, but with Proxima’s bad lighting, I can’t tell for sure.


Alberto: Everyone look out! I have this rock! 600 grams of granite and micaceous schist!
Lady Proxima: It’s just a rock. Ha ha!
Alberto: It’s the first and most powerful weapon ever invented!
Lady Proxima: It’s a rock - it wasn’t invented.
Jim: Stick to the script, Ben.
Lady Proxima: Sorry.
Lady Proxima: Lo! I have been taken for many things in my larvahood, but never for a fool! O, sweet experience! Is that then not actually a rock? Is it... a thermal detonator??
Alberto: No, actually, it’s a rock.

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:21 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net