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Backstory 10: Delete-Alt-Control

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Proxima looks rather Muppet-like in that second panel there. Almost like an eeeeeevil Kermit the Frog with aviator goggles. I wonder if we’ll get to see a holo-image of her later to get more details of what she looks like.

Blasters don’t seem to have any penetrating power like bullets do; they seem to either cause extreme burns or small explosions. So if you really really want to keep someone else from getting shot, I guess grabbing the blaster barrel could keep them safe until you get blown across the room.

So at least two people are going to walk away from this standoff we’ve got brewing. This is the movie about Han Solo of course. And since Jabba (who does appear later) is taking the place of whoever Lady Proxima is in the movie, that means they can’t die here either. Everyone else? Probably expendable by the end of the movie if not more immediately.


Alberto: You know, I don’t think I’m ever going to learn.
Lady Proxima: Be that as it may... Hit him again!
Jim: Rebolt tried to hit me again, but I caught his weapon and pulled it off him!
Rebolt: Hey! I specifically said don’t take that!
Alberto: I will take it, because I don’t like taking punishment!
{Moloch draws a blaster and points it at Alberto}
Moloch: Drop the weapon. I have you outgunned with this blaster. Which is a more powerful weapon.
Qi’ra: Noooo!!
Jim: Qi’ra grabbed the muzzle of Moloch’s blaster!
Qi’ra: If you shoot him, you’ll have to shoot me first!
Lady Proxima: Qi’ra, don’t throw it all away for Alberto. He’s not worth it.
Qi’ra: Whatever he lost, we’ll earn it back, double.
Moloch: Look out, I’m just going to shoot you, because I’m out of control!

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Published: Monday, 25 July, 2022; 22:41:06 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net