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Backstory 8: Make Me Up, Before Imago-go

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Well ok then. Centipede alien was not something I would have remotely guessed for Star Wars. I guess this would explain the odd lighting. Boss gets what the boss wants even if that’s not great for all the underlings.

And being Jabba the Hutt in comic-verse? Sure, why not. The tentacles probably weren’t going to simply get cut off, so having them turn into centipede legs before disappearing makes sense. We already know that Jabba changes shape anyway in our universe, so third times the charm.

Also, one of the goons from the last comic was human? That’s... moderately surprising, in a “huh, I couldn’t tell” sort of way. I hope this blue lighting doesn’t last too long.


Jim: Syke dragged me into a dim chamber with a pool of water in the middle. Urchins crowded around to watch the confrontation.
Jim: As in street kids, not sea urchins.
[SFX]: whack! {Syke hits Alberto with a stick}
Syke: Get up closer than we are, so we can hang back out of danger, you scum!
Jim: Slowly, horribly, Lady Proxima reared up from the filthy water.
Jim: She was a big centipede-like creature with lots of legs.
Jim: Get this... Lady Proxima was actually the young Jabba the Hutt!
Corey: Uh... what? Jabba doesn’t have any legs.
Pete: And is named “Jabba”, not “Lady Proxima”.
Jim: This was his larval form. Like a caterpillar.
Ben: And his larval name?
Pete: And larval gender.
Jim: Yeah.

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:22 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net