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Backstory 5: The Mother of Dramas

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oh lord. I’m not sure I can handle dialog written by Jim. It’s like being attacked by hoard of 14-year-olds’ fanfics and it’s just the start of the movie! Bad writing jokes aside, imagine Finn talking like this! Or Darth Vader! I’m having trouble articulating how amusingly bad that would be!

I do need to say though, I like this idea for involving the other players in this movie. Sally is definitely going to ask for a character or two to read. Ben is, of course, highly likely to take Chewbacca’s lines whenever he makes an appearance. Corey might be content to just listen and occasionally comment on things. And Pete already got the Statler-Waldorf thing going and I can’t see him giving that up, even if he gets a character pushed on him. The only one I’m not sure about is the GM. Jim’s taken that role here, so what would that leave available?

Anyway, Darth Vader seems highly unlikely to show up given the placement of the movie, so who’s going to be the designated bad guy for the plot? Lady Proxima seems like an obvious choice given the opening lines. I would be shocked if the Imperials don’t make an attempt at providing a big bad contender as well. It wouldn’t even need to be someone high up in the command as long as they’ve got a personal presence.


Jim: I found my love interest. Her name was Qi’ra. She greeted me with a big passionate kiss!
Jim: She’s kind of like Daenerys Targaryen, except with dark hair.
Jim: Annie, do you want to read this dialogue? I kind of imagined her being played by you.
Qi’ra: Sure!
Qi’ra: Oh, it’s so good to see you again, my handsome paramour with no name!
Alberto: I have a name now! I stole Alberto’s identity.
Qi’ra: Who’s Alberto?
Alberto: I am, do try to keep up.
Qi’ra: Oh, Alberto, that’s sooo dramatic and therefore attractive!
Qi’ra: My characters don’t sound like this, do they?
Pete: No, I think he nailed it.

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:24 PDT.
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