Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2588: I’m Right on Target, My Aim is Straight

Episode 2588: I’m Right on Target, My Aim is Straight


Some scenes in a game a more exciting than others. This is fine. You don't need to make everything exciting, or you run the risk of it all seeming samey and bland after a while. You need beats and pauses of quiet time to punctuate the exciting parts and accentuate the thrills.

This interacts well with the fact that not every player will find the same aspects of the game exciting. Know your players. Plan to have some things that excite each of them, appealing to their own specific interests in the game. Have a combat for the player who likes to bash enemies. Have investigation for the player who enjoys poking around spooky corners. Have some deduction or puzzle solving for the player who gets excited by that. Have some social interaction with interesting NPCs for the player who loves getting into character and arguing or just chatting. This naturally gives some down time for the other players and allows everyone to experience the alternating lulls and highs that make a complete experience.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Nice! We get an explosion and a tunnel escape! I'm assuming that it's a straight shot out anyway; the end with all of the additional fighters is washed out blue. And super modulator or not, there won't be any explosion from the Falcon colliding with something. We've got too many main characters on board at the moment for them to all die this early.

And really, Chewbacca shouldn't complain too much about the penalty. He was built to be good at piloting! Okay, maybe not at a Pete level build, but Chewie's made everything look easy so far. Shooting a gantry out so it clears out the pursuit is a good idea as well. It's basically a "would you rather a -5 now to avoid multiple attacks later" sort of thing.

So, now back to the rest of the Resistance on the jungle planet? Or are we going to finish up the Kylo and Palpaclone scene first. I'll guess the jungle planet scene comes second. Then the Falcon can show up in the middle, as there'll be the implied time skip, to join the group back together with Rey, BB, Leia, and Rose, at least for a little bit.


GM: A gantry partly fills the tunnel ahead of you.
Chewbacca: Can I fly under it?
GM: It’ll need a Piloting roll.
Finn: I swivel forwards and shoot down the gantry so it blocks the PIEs as we fly under it!
GM: ... at a -5 penalty.
[SFX]: pow! pow! {Finn fires at the gantry}
[SFX]: Boom! {an explosion rocks the gantry}
[SFX]: whoooosshh... {the Falcon flies under the collapsing gantry}
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww... {PIEs in hot pursuit}
[SFX]: vreeee—
[SFX]: Kaboom! {the falling gantry destroys the chasing fighters}
Poe: Cool!
Chewbacca: Sure, when Annie penalises my rolls.
GM: More fighters ahead!
GM: Lightspeed calculations are done!
Poe: Full throttle!
[SFX]: Whoooosshh!!! {the Falcon goes to lightspeed, despite the way forward being blocked by PIE fighters and the ice of Sinta Glacier}
R2-D2: And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some actual exciting things to do with this liquified space-time.

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Published: Tuesday, 25 February, 2025; 01:11:25 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net