The converse of time pressure is that the heroes need to wait a certain amount of time for something good to happen: the cavalry arrives, the curse is broken, the sun rises and turns the trolls to stone. The countdown is on, and they just need to hold out against the odds a bit longer.
The good thing from a GMing perspective is that you can easily tailor the waiting time to how long they can hold out. You don't need to to set an actual time limit and stick to it; you just need to give the appearance that that's what you're doing. When you judge the players have had enough and the characters are on their last legs, you can declare that the help arrives. And since this is the way it always works in fiction, it's eminently believable rather than seeming like a ridiculous coincidence.
Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)
Jumping to lightspeed while still inside the icy asteroid? That sounds.... mostly impossible? Like, the idea of a super hyperdrive modulator sounds really neat and all, but there's been enough weirdness around it that I'm definitely thinking it's a comic creation again. Plus, just pointing at a wall and escaping that way feels like it'd cause more narrative problems later than it solves now while keeping things engaging. That said, there's been at least one instance I remember where something out of the ordinary definitely was going on, so I can't say it's completely impossible. It doesn't help that the modulator thing comes up infrequently enough that I would need to reread the whole of the sequels to remember everything.
Maybe we'll get the wall being blown up to make a temporary hole or a glimpse of the exit or some other thing happening. Either of the first two could make for a neat scene. Glimpsing the exit would allow for a little bit of extra tension (even if it's not needed at this point) as Chewie and Poe try to plot the jump. Plus, it'd be like the Falcon escaping the evil flying space hangar. And of course the first one would have explosions. Bad guy things exploding are always cool.
Poe: Punch it, Chewie!
Chewbacca: Punching commenced.
[SFX]: pow! pow! {PIEs fire at the Falcon as it flees through a narrow rectangular ice tunnel}
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww...
Poe: Jump to lightspeed!
Chewbacca: The new modulator enables jumping inside this glacier, but we still need a trajectory.
GM: It’ll take <roll>... 50 seconds.
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww...
Finn: Then I’ll buy us some time! I man the guns!
[SFX]: Pow! Pow! {Finn fires}
[SFX]: Kaboom! {Finn destroys a chasing fighter}
Chewbacca: Almost ready!
Poe: Define “Almost”.
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww...
[SFX]: pow! pow! {PIEs continue chasing and firing at the Falcon}
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww...
GM: In the same way that “almost out of danger” still means “not out of danger”.