Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2585: Sinta Lading

Episode 2585: Sinta Lading


The array of interesting objects in space is pretty amazing. If you need inspiration, just grab an actual book about astronomy and astrophysics and peruse the many weird and wonderful objects we've found.

Or if you're running a game, just feel free to make up almost anything, and chances are it's out there somewhere.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Now this is a cool space place. Literally cool too! Also would make for a great industrial or spy hiding spot. All of the heat from living and working can be sunk into parts of the surrounding ice to mask the activity. And with the super materials that Star Wars has, there's no risk of twisting or crushing by the external ice neither.

Liquified Space-time huh? That's going to have some impressive visuals later, I bet. Hopefully Artoo doesn't explode during them. As for radio being a possibility, that's going to be more easily traceable back to Wedge. Whereas with the Falcon showing up, if anything is noticed, they will make for a much more convenient distraction. Not that a shapeshifter needs much of a distraction to hide anyway; the wide array of shifts Wedge has shown is extremely impressive.

..... I wonder what's actually going on in this scene to require a plugin that only goes to Artoo.


GM: An alarm goes off. You’ve arrived at Sinta Glacier, a giant chunk of ice in space.
Chewbacca: How would that—
Poe: A cometary nucleus! Cool!
GM: The rendezvous point is a door in an industrial complex. You align the top hatch under it.
Finn: I open the hatch.
Wedge: Finn, good buddy! Good to see you!
Finn: Wedge! What have you got for us?
Wedge: Here, plug this into R2.
Finn: A cable? Couldn’t you just radio data to us?
Wedge: It’s a hose. I got some Galen Erso tech the First Order has been working on.
R2-D2: I’m all ears.
Wedge: Liquified space-time. The raw power of the universe. They’re trying to weaponise it.
[SFX]: plug! {Finn plugs the hose into R2’s liquid transfer port}
R2-D2: I’m all ears. And feasibility studies. And an overwhelming sense of destiny.

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Published: Tuesday, 18 February, 2025; 01:11:07 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net