Darths & Droids


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Episode 2584: Back to the Warring Board


Talking about other games within your current game is a typical out-of-character conversation that sometimes occurs.

But what if you make it not out-of-character? The current PCs are (unknowingly) talking about something that really happened within their current campaign setting. The different campaign universes are connected somehow and they are talking about events within the same game.

Reveal this to your players slowly, maybe by having some NPCs in your campaign make offhand remarks about things the players' other characters did in a "different" campaign. And bring it together with a big revelation that shatters their minds!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oho, so we did have an in-between Episode game! And for the first two clues, it's Fantasy and it's got a girl that grows up. Toooootally guessable at this stage. Pete also doesn't seem extremely annoyed by the reference, so it wasn't a Princess Bride-like campaign. That doesn't preclude him simply being better at dealing with that kind of plot twist however, so that's not much of a clue just yet.

Neat to see the holo space-chess game make a reappearance. In the movie, I bet Poe is annoyed that Chewie is making subtle threats again in order to win. Should have known better than to play against the Wookiee if you wanted to win dude!


GM: Let’s change scenes. Finn, Poe, Chewie, and R2 are taking the Falcon to rendezvous with Wedge, who has been spying inside the First Order.
Chewbacca: En route we play Dejarik, the Wookiee fantasy game.
GM: I’d have thought the campaign I ran between the Jedi List adventure and this one would have satisfied your fantasy urges for some time.
Poe: That game was awesome!
Finn: Yeah, great character development opportunities, starting as a girl and growing up.
GM: I’m glad you thought so, Annie.
R2-D2: Yes, yes, yes. Fun for all. Can we get back to this game?
Poe: All right. So, Chewie, where are we flying to?
Chewbacca: I think he meant the Dejarik.

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Published: Sunday, 16 February, 2025; 01:11:13 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net