Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2581: We’re All Mad Here

Episode 2581: We’re All Mad Here


Imagine a game where all of the players are playing insane characters.

But nobody who is insane thinks that they're insane.

So the characters don't know that they're insane.

They really believe they're mighty fighters, and wizards who can cast magic, and clerics with god-given powers.

When actually they're everyday people trapped in an asylum. Occasional flashes of lucidity that show them the real world appear to be nightmare visions of some alternate reality - something which their heroic personas must investigate cautiously, and potentially seek to eliminate.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Anakin?? But you're supposed to be gone! Did Luke mess something up when he transcended, or did you find a way to worm back into reality again? I guess that wouldn't be impossible. Yoda and Obi-wan transcended, but they still got to show up again as Force Ghosts. Maybe Luke manifesting in the back story between Episodes accidentally let Anakin back out. A seal doesn't work that well to hold evil in a can if the seal jumps off of the can now and then.

Anyway, I had to double check, but no; it doesn't seem like we've gotten to see that broadcast message yet. This is a neat story-telling strategy to either keep the players in the dark or to allow NPCs to talk back to the players to make their characters seem silly. I hope we get more references to what the broadcast was. And why an invite might have been sent to that kid in the first place.

I also really like how we're getting movie lines inserted here with different context. Any ideas on which line(s) make(s) the next appearance?


Palpatine: So, you found one of my invitations.
Kylo Ren: One? How many did you send out?
Palpatine: It was in the broadcast. Five.
Anakin’s Voice: I sense something... a presence I have not felt since... I can’t remember.
Kylo Ren: What was that?
Palpatine: Anakin. At least I think so. The phantasmal voice never leaves me...
Palpatine: I shall never sleep calmly again when I think of the horrors that lurk ceaselessly behind life in time and in space.
Palpatine: Sometimes I like to think it’s my imagination. But that would mean I’m going insane.
Palpatine: And I am not insane.
Kylo Ren: Okay. I believe you.
Anakin’s Voice: Actually, you are insane. Just putting that out there.
Palpatine: Ignore him.

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Published: Sunday, 09 February, 2025; 01:11:07 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net