Darths & Droids


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Episode 2574: SMTP


Most GMs don't want their players to be playing the bad guys. (Our GM is a little unusual in that regard. But then he has cool people like Sally at his table.)

So don't play the bad guy. Unless your GM explicitly approves in advance. This means no going around murdering shopkeepers just because they won't give you a good deal on a new sword.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Odd looking logo that. It's like a mix between a superhero's chest icon and the center bit of the Rebel Alliance logo. I wonder if we'll get a statement of who's side that is or what organization that's from later.

Ohhhhh okay. If we really do end up going back to Canto Bight and picking up the kid from Episode VIII's stinger, I think I might know why people really didn't like this movie. While I'm pretty sure I thought it was cool that Anakin was young in Episode I and got to both drive the racing pod and fly the space fighter, I was also around that age when I first saw that movie. I found out later that a number of people didn't like the movie partly because of him (though Jar-Jar and the early CGI didn't help either). Another very young character being a part of the plot's focus and being written poorly could definitely rub people the wrong way, especially if they're old Star Wars fans. Like the GM sorta says, kids are hard to get right.

A sickly green glowing tetrahedron? With potentially important data inside? That's totally a color-shifted Sith holocron, even if the movie doesn't call it such. Kylo wouldn't hold it up for the camera just because it looks evil either; it's gonna be super important somehow.


[SFX]: Whooom! Spear! {Kylo Ren kills more workers}
[SFX]: Whooom! Slash!
GM: The slaughtered mail sorters lie scattered across the landscape.
Kylo Ren: Why aren’t they inside? You know, sorting mail?
GM: They were on their break.
GM: You spot the secure-looking package they were greedily guarding, engraved with a strange logo.
Kylo Ren: I open it.
GM: Inside is the object of your desire.
Kylo Ren: I regard it carefully.
{the object is a baroque-looking blackened metal pyramid with faces of translucent green showing a baleful inner light}
GM: It presents a meeting place and the means to get there.
Kylo Ren: So this is the stuff that dreams are made of.
GM: The package is addressed to one Temiri Blagg, Age 8, Canto Bight.
Kylo Ren: A kid? What would a kid do with this?
GM: Probably not butcher mail workers to steal it.
Kylo Ren: Well, now I feel like the bad guy.
Kylo Ren: Excellent.

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Published: Thursday, 23 January, 2025; 01:11:11 PST.
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