Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2565: Genetic-Tock     >

Episode 2565: Genetic-Tock


Biological engineering is seriously freaky stuff. In game settings with advanced technology, it's a great go-to for weirdness and strange abilities. So much so that it's almost like magic. You can code viruses that attack specific people and nobody else. You can gain animal abilities, like gills, or ultrasensitive hearing or smell. You can transplant someone's brain into a robot body, or the clone of another person.

For many more ideas along these lines, suitable for inclusion in any science fiction game, you can check out GURPS Bio-Tech. Which was co-authored by one of us (DMM)!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oh yeah, that's true! And unlike the encoded Nute data in the Galaxy map, I can see Rey's genes actually doing something if they were modified somehow. Maybe that's why the Dark Side rejected her: as it didn't want to bother dealing with Nute at the same time?

I will be shocked if Rey manages to keep all her original body parts through the rest of this movie and the next. I've probably mentioned it before, but it'd be such a nice parallel to have. Though it'd likely need some good additions; getting an artificial limb shouldn't be the sole replacement.


R2-D2: I triple sandbox the Nute code. Make sure it can’t affect any of my systems.
GM: You can certainly try.
BB-8: Speaking of Nute, there’s another loose end. The stuff about Nute creating Rey’s mother.
Rey: Oh, yeah!
Rey: So... I’ve potentially got Nute code running in my DNA as well.
BB-8: Like a ticking time bomb.
Rey: So I have to figure out how to disarm myself.
BB-8: You could cut off your arms.
Rey: That’s another family tradition I’d rather not keep, thank you.
BB-8: Better than being de-feeted.
BB-8: Just going out on a limb here.

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Published: Thursday, 02 January, 2025; 01:11:12 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net