Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2563: The Crait Escape     >

Episode 2563: The Crait Escape


Just like any landing you can walk away from is a good one, any escape you can celebrate with your comrades is a good one.

Let players have a bit of relief and recreation time in between adventures, before throwing the next big challenge at them. Some games, such as Blades in the Dark, even have explicit rules for what downtime activities the PCs get up to, and the game effects that such activities have. Essentially they use carousing and other recreational activities to recover from the stresses and injuries of adventuring.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oh nice! No extra distractions for the Resistance to escape from Crait! And Chewbacca really did get the short end of the stick on that trip, didn't he? Think of all the extra cleaning that'll be needed! Birds can be so messy if you're not careful in caring for their living environment.

And so in the end, I guess this was another method of the Resistance attempting to run away from the First Order, huh? And pretty much bleeding people and ships the whole time. I'm still wondering how this will turn around and have a satisfying ending, but I'm not hopeful that'll happen now. There's only the Falcon now with the people that managed to fit inside.

On the other hand, Snoke is dead, the second big flagship got blown up, and the First Order is currently busy digging around in the underground base. So that should be a decent chunk of time to run away more right?


GM: The Falcon blasts off from Crait and the remaining Resistance members can celebrate their escape.
Poe: Hey, man! Did you see the way I saved everyone?
C’ai Threnalli: “Abednedo”, not “man”. But, uh... yeah.
Kaydel Ko Connix: Would have been better than Rey doing it.
Leia: Chewie! Good to see you!
Chewbacca: Do not send me out on a mission with Rey again.
Leia: Why not?
Poe: Yeah! Finally some credit for my leadership skills!
Kaydel Ko Connix: I said “better”, not “good”. Let’s not get carried away.
Chewbacca: She became a Jedi and got Jedi loot. I got rained on for a month and cannibalistic birds infesting my ship.
Chewbacca: Do you know what constant damp does to a Wookiee’s fur?
Leia: I can smell it! Wet dog, but more opinionated!

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Published: Sunday, 29 December, 2024; 01:11:11 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net